The Fellows Program under the leadership of the Grand Commander proved to be an outstanding platform for engaging with potential leaders from various regions within the Southern Jurisdiction. It was a distinct honor for me to be chosen as the exclusive Fellow representing the Orient in 2020, a selection made by Ill. Jamie Smith, 33˚, former SGIG in Alabama. Despite the challenges posed by COVID, preventing in-person meetings, I actively participated in numerous Zoom sessions alongside other Fellows from the Southern Jurisdiction, gaining valuable insights into their activities in their respective Orients and Valleys. Above all, the Fellowship provided me with the opportunity to connect with brethren who embraced Scottish Rite Masonry as a lifestyle and not a part-time hobby. From my perspective, the Fellowship stands out as the premier avenue for Scottish Rite Masons to establish meaningful connections with other dedicated Brothers and enhance their understanding of the intricacies of the Scottish Rite.
Daniel W. Robinson, 33˚
Personal Representative
Valley of Montgomery
Orient of Alabama