Deputy at age 47 years, 10 months, and 26 days
June 18, 1884 – month, day, and year unconfirmed
Total Duration of Supreme Council Tenure: unconfirmed
Alabama – June 18, 1884 – month, day, and year unconfirmed
Duration of Supreme Council Tenure for Alabama – unconfirmed
Mississippi – June 18, 1884 – month, day, and year unconfirmed
Duration of Supreme Council Tenure for Mississippi – unconfirmed
Born: July 23, 1836 – Died: unconfirmed
Life span: unconfirmed
Progress in Scottish Rite Masonry:
– 4°-32°: month, day, year, place and by whom Degrees were communicated unconfirmed; 31°-32°: December 1859, by whom Degrees were communicated unconfirmed.
– Deputy: special Deputy for Alabama and Mississippi, with co-ordinate and independent powers, in and of the Deputies in those States June 18, 1884; resigned month, day and year unconfirmed.
– Official Bulletin. VI:590.
– Carter, James David. The First Century of Scottish Rite Masonry in Texas 1867-1967. N.p.: Texas
– Scottish Rite History Committee, 1966.