Deputy at age 48 years, 9 months, and 5 days
1878 – c1883-1884
Duration of Supreme Council Tenure: unconfirmed
Born: January 15, 1834 – Died: April 15, 1910
Life span: 76 years and 3 months
Insurance Agent
Progress in Scottish Rite Masonry:
– 4°-32°: month, day, year, place and by whom Degrees were communicated unconfirmed; 15°-32°: September 20, 1877, communicated by Ill. Frederick Webber, 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector
General for Kentucky.
– KCCH: May 6, 1878; 33°, IGH: elected May 6, 1878; coroneted by Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike, 33°; May 7, 1878; Deputy: May 1878 – month, day, and year unconfirmed; SGIG: October 20, 1882, the Grand Commander nominated for Active Membership in the Supreme Council, said nomination to lie over until the next regular Session in 1884 [never crowned]; resigned c1883-1884.
Other Scottish Rite Honors:
– Grand Cross Court of Honour: October 21, 1880.
Scottish Rite Biography:
From the Report of Stephen H. Beasley, 33°, Deputy Inspector for Alabama: Ill. and very Dear Brother: …On the 29 of March last [1880] I succeeded in reorganizing Alabama Lodge of Perfection, No. 2, at this place [Montgomery] and I have the pleasure of informing you that they have elected six and conferred the Degrees on two of the candidates, and, at my request, as instructed by you, they have also conferred the Degrees, 4 to 14, on Bro. Daniel Sayre, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, and will confer the Degrees on the remaining four during November. I think the Rite is growing and gradually increasing in strength and in good material at this place. I have been sadly disappointed at other points in the State, but I hope I have cheerful news to communicate, and the organization of a new Lodge to report before long.
From the Report of the Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike, 33°: Alabama Lodge of Perfection, No. 1, at Montgomery, Alabama, on the 16th of May, 1882, revived by the Grand Commander, assisted by the Lieutenant Grand Commander, Bro. Wm. M. Ireland, and Bro. Stephen H. Beasley, 33°, Deputy for Alabama.
– Note. Transactions. 1878:104-105.
– Beasley, Stephen H. Report. Transactions., 1880:76.
– Note. Transactions 1882:37.