SGIG at age 63 years, 6 months, and 18 days
October 24, 1923 – December 27, 1949
Duration of Supreme Council Tenure: 26 years, 2 months, and 2 days
Born: April 4, 1864 – Died: December 27, 1949
Life span: 85 years, 10 months, and 23 days
Progress in Scottish Rite Masonry:
– 4°-14°: May 4, 1899, invested by Birmingham Lodge of Perfection, No. 2, Birmingham; 15°-18°: June 1, 1899, invested by Birmingham Chapter of Rose Croix, No. 1, Birmingham; 19°-30°: June 2, 1899, invested by Birmingham Council of Kadosh, No. 1, Birmingham; 31°-32°: June 2, 1899, invested by Birmingham Consistory, No. 1, Birmingham.
– 32°, KCCH: October 21, 1919; 33°, IGH: elected October 18, 1921; coroneted October 21, 1921; Deputy: October 24, 1923 – October 22, 1927; SGIG: elected October 20, 1927; crowned October 22, 1927; laid down his Craft tools while in Office December 27, 1949.
Scottish Rite Bodies created during tenure:
– 1927, October 19 – Dothan Lodge of Perfection, Alabama.
Offices in the Supreme Council:
– Grand Standard Bearer: October 1937 – October 21, 1939.
– Second Grand Equerry: October 21, 1939 – December 18, 1939.
– First Grand Equerry: December 18, 1939 – October 24, 1941.
– Grand Chamberlain: October 24, 1941 – October 21, 1943
– Grand Almoner: October 21, 1943 – December 27, 1949.
Committees Membership:
– Appeals and Grievances: 1933.
– Finance: 1943, 1945, 1947.
– Foreign Relations: 1937.
– Nominations: 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947.
– Obituaries: 1933, 1935, 1937.
– Special Committee: 1927, 1929, 1931; 1939; 1943, 1945, 1947.
– Subdivision and Reference: 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947.
– Supreme Council for Paraguay: 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945, 1947.
Scottish Rite Biography:
On July 11, 1898, Brother Moffett was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Birmingham Fraternal Lodge, No. 384, followed with the Fellowcraft Degree on July 25, and the Master Mason Degree on August 10 of the same year. He petitioned for and received the Scottish Rite Degrees in Birmingham Lodge of Perfection, May 4, 1899, of which he became Venerable Master. He received the Degrees of the Rose Croix Chapter, June 1, and the Degrees of the Council and Consistory, June 2, 1899.
Brother Moffett’s activities in the Scottish Rite were rewarded by his having been given the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, October 21, 1919, and, on October 21, 1921, the 33° Inspector General Honorary was conferred upon him by our Supreme Council in the city of Washington, D.C., with Sovereign Grand Commander Moore presiding. Brother Moffett was appointed Deputy in Alabama on February 22, 1922, a position which he held with efficiency and performed his duties with dispatch. So, on October 22, 1927, he was elected Sovereign Grand Inspector General Active of the Supreme Council. He served in several of the appointive offices and on a number of the committees.
Illustrious Charles Alexander Moffett, 33°, was a grand man and Mason, devoted and loyal to the Supreme Council. He liked Freemasonry, as is shown by his attention to his duties.
– Lobingier, Charles Sumner. The Supreme Council, 33° … 1931:759-760.
– In Memoriam. Charles Alexander Moffett, 33º. The New Age, January, 1950:62.
– Sorrow! Charles Alexander Moffett, 33º. The New Age, January, 1950:104.
– In Memoriam. Transactions. 1951: 32; 132-133; 268-274.