Deputy at age 62 years, 10 months, and 27 days
February 1, 1950 – December 11, 1958
Duration of Supreme Council Tenure: 7 years, 10 months, and 10 days
Born: March 5, 1887 – Died December 11, 1958
Life span: 81 years, 9 months, and 6 days
Progress in Scottish Rite Masonry:
– 4°-14°: November 18, 1919, invested by Mobile Lodge of Perfection, Mobile; 15°-18°: March 17, 1920, invested by Mobile Chapter of Rose Croix, Mobile; 19°-30°: March 18, 1920, invested by Mobile Council of Kadosh, Mobile; 31°-32°: March 19, 1920, invested by Mobile Consistory, Mobile.
– 32°, KCCH: October 20, 1925; 33°, IGH: elected October 20, 1931; coroneted October 23, 1931; Deputy: February 1, 1950 – laid down his Craft tools while in Office December 11, 1958.
Scottish Rite Biography:
Brother Whitinger was raised in Athelstan Lodge, No. 369, Mobile; received the 32º Degree of the Scottish Rite March 19, 1920, was honored with the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour October 20, 1925 and was coroneted a 33º Honorary Member of this Supreme Council on October 23, 1931. On February 1, 1950, he was appointed Deputy of the Supreme Council in Alabama and has rendered efficient and creditable service in that capacity.
– Deputy Appointed. Walter M. Whitinger, 33º on February 1, 1950, appointed Deputy. The New Age, January, 1950:100.
– Walter Milton Whitinger, 33º. In Memoriam. The New Age, January, 1959:11-12.